Sample Descriptor fileġ2 Using the Messages window Very easy to output messages.
1 Tips for Writing MagicDraw Plugins David Garry CTO, Nomos SoftwareĢ Why this Talk? Nomos builds plugins for MagicDraw Need an ecosystem of plugins Want to share our experience and learn from the experience of othersģ Nomos Plugins for MagicDraw Cameo OCL Transformer Leverage MagicDraw as a Business Rules Repository Generate executable java from the rules for use in test and production sytems Cameo XSD Import One click to import XML Schemas into MagicDrawĤ What we ll cover Building and installing Plugins Menus, dialogs and popups Using the Messages window Class loader conflicts External modules Validation Suitesĥ Building and installing plugins Plugins get placed in MagicDrawDirectory\plugins\ Create a zip with the code for the plugin You ll need to include a plugin.xml and a descriptor file Install using the Resource / Plugin Manager on MagicDraw Help menu You may want to integrate with MagicDraw licensing Complicates the install Build without the licensing first!ħ Building and installing plugins enterprise Defines where the contents of the zip are extracted to.